Yesterday, you told me to write up my problem, and have it ready for you today. It’s very clear what’s going on here. Ever since I engaged in this protest, it’s been constant suppression and repression. Further, in a more creative attempt to impede my correspondence (since this administration has already taken all my property, though it wasn’t used to threaten security and property I was entitled to have per policy- correspondence and legal materials), I’ve been placed on 30-day commissary restriction yesterday.
First, we are only allowed to go to commissary one time per two week period; twice a month. This is already a strain on correspondence because we can only purchase 27 stamps at the most, each time we go. After waiting for two weeks to go to commissary, which was yesterday, I was conveniently placed on 30-day commissary restrictions.
Secondly, the last disciplinary case I received (which was a protest because you and this administration refused to return my property and see that a grievance officer would come around and pick up my grievance) was on 12-5-05. I went to that disciplinary hearing on 12-9-05, whereas, all I was given was cell restriction, not commissary restriction.
Thirdly, commissary restriction is a punishment that comes as a result of a disciplinary case. I have not committed a “rule infraction” since 12-5-05, so what did I get a case for? Why wasn’t I notified of the case? Or given a chance to defend myself with a written statement?
Last, but not least, who placed me on 30-day restriction?
Resolution: An answer to all of these questions; the cessation of this 30-day restriction (commissary); the immediate allowance of my going commissary; and officers involved held accountable.
Prisoner, Reginald W. Blanton #999395, 12 EF-83
The next day (12-15-05) Sgt. Brown, while making his rounds, picked up the above letter, talking about how he wasn’t my lap-dog. I told him “If I have a legit problem, and you can fix it, you have an obligation to do so.” I could tell by his attitude that he wasn’t going to fix my simple problem. This is why he told me on the 14th to write a letter out and he’ll pick it up the next day. That “next day” was their Friday. He was buying time so he wouldn’t have to fix my problem. This is how Brown operates. If you let him, he’ll try to smooth talk his way out of having to do work. What I should have done was prepare the letter then, and told him I would have an officer take it to his office that day. This way, when his Friday came, he couldn’t use the excuse “gimme some time (which is generally understood as a day or so) to check on it,” and I could push the issue later in the day of their Friday. I gave him an out. But, I wasn’t surprised when their Friday came and went, and my problem still existed. After all, that’s why I made a carbon copy of my letter- I knew I was going to have to get a supervisor from the next card to rectify my problem.
Let me explain “cards.” A card is the four days a group of officers and supervisors work. A card consist of two 12-hour shifts: 1st shift (6am-6pm) and 2nd shift (6pm-6am). After four days, another card comes on of different officers and supervisors. Four days on, four days off.
New Card
On this new card (12-16-05), Lt. Hutto has no qualms with making the rounds (walking pods for inspection), unlike Lt. Richie on Sgt. Brown’s card, who likes to sit on his high-horse in his office. When Lt. Hutto came around, I gave him the carbon copy of the letter I gave Sgt. Brown. He recognized the foul play, left the pod, and 30-minutes more later, I had my purchases. Right on Lt. Hutto! Now you tell me, was it just a coincidence I was mistakenly placed on commissary restriction the very day I was to go to commissary, or was I secretly placed on this restriction as retaliation for holding the bean-slot hostage in a show of solidarity with my comrade against those pigs that refused to feed him? These things merely demonstrate why we initiated this movement in the first place. And now that I think about it, Sgt. Brown was probably working in collusion with whomever placed me on this special restriction, by not fixing my problem.
Most of our days, at least on Sgt. Brown’s card is spent dealing with these childish types of repression. I don’t see how they think their tactics will discourage us. They’re just pouring fuel on our fire. Needless to say, now you have a glimpse into the bombardment that some prisoners must endure. No wonder most prisoners remain passive to this administrations mistreatment- It will take a strong will to stand against all their attacks, because everyday it will be something. This is one of the ways this administration breaks a prisoner. They must. For self-preservation is the first law of nature. How else are they going to get a prisoner to accept passively the taking of their life (execution)?
Strength, vision, and solidarity in the elephant-grass.
Omari Huduma, AKA
Reginald W. Blanton